Since the Center is established as an International Research and Development  hub, as per Memorandum of the Company, the principal line of business of the company is to carry on the business of publishing of research of individuals or group of researchers through establishing/maintaining Research Journals, Maintaining Archives through some IT solutions, organizing national and international Conferences, Seminars & Workshops on Research and Development, grabbing/conducting Research Projects/Grants from national and international organizations, rendering consultancy services, offering execution of research and development activities/facilities to government, donors, international institutions, individuals, firms, companies, bodies, trusts, non-government organizations, associations; and to provide consultancy services in the areas of poverty & development, human resource development training sessions, strategic planning, project management, institutional development, capacity building and other ancillary services.

South Punjab Center for Research and Development (SPCRD) is registered in the Securities and Exchanges Commission of Pakistan (SECP) as private Limited Company. As per company Laws, shareholders are the owners and they elected one shareholder as Chief Executive in the meeting of Board of Directors. keeping in view that the Center’s administration and functioning of research division, CEO appointed Prof. Dr. Allah Baksh Basit, Former Chairman Department of Economics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur as “President” and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Former Chairman Department of Economics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur as Director (Research & Development) for the smooth functioning of the Center. The President of the Center is Head of the Organization/Company/Center in making independent decisions regarding promotion of research, development, consultancy and training activities. The President of the Center will make the appointments of Editors/Managing Editors/Associate Editors of all Journals of the Center. The Journals will be established including titles and other formalities under the policy of Board of Governors by Director (Research). All the Journals of the Center are run independently by the Editors/Editors in Chief/Managing Editors with the help of the Advisory Boards as Higher Education Commissions guidelines and instructions. The CEO of the company has also appointed Ms. Kishwar Parveen as Manager (Finance and Accounts ) of the Company having degrees of M. Com. and M Phil in Business Economics while Mr. Ali Hassan is appointed as Manager IT of the Center with effect from 01-06-2018 and SPCRD Publishing matters regarding all Journals. Keeping in view the financial position of the company, the appointments on the positions of Managing Editors/Editors/Associate Editors will be made on Honrary positions only.