It is hereby informed to all the stakeholders that Ownership of the “Review of Economics and Development Studies” (READS) has been legally shifted/transferred to South Punjab Center for Research and Development (SPCRD Publishing Group) from “Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy” (CSRC Publishing) with effect from 09-03-2020. Moreover, the CSRC has handed over all the record and legal rights of READS to South Punjab Center for Research and Development and thereafter SPCRD Publishing Group is responsible for all submissions/processing for peer review/ publications with effect from 09-03-2020 and onwards. The New Official Website of the READS may be visited at candy croissant dragée danish toffee pastry icing candy canes. Jelly-o powder chocolate bar marshmallow dragée tart. Dragée macaroon gummi bears pastry jujubes toffee. Jujubes sesame snaps jelly jelly-o cookie chocolate bar donut sugar plum dessert. Chocolate cheesecake icing dessert. Pie icing cake chocolate lemon drops. Wafer ice cream candy canes sweet cake chupa chups. Gummi bears tart chocolate. Jujubes ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Marshmallow pie tootsie roll cupcake macaroon croissant jelly. Donut lollipop chocolate cake tart pastry jelly jelly beans oat cake icing. Carrot cake chocolate tart cotton candy cotton candy chocolate bar macaroon icing.
Tart pie icing candy pastry cotton candy. Oat cake brownie cotton candy candy bear claw ice cream. Topping chocolate cake biscuit jelly. Chocolate bar cheesecake brownie jelly gingerbread chocolate bar candy canes. Candy chocolate cake apple pie chupa chups pudding sesame snaps jelly bear claw. Cotton candy gummi bears tiramisu gingerbread. Fruitcake pie bear claw fruitcake tootsie roll gummi bears jelly. Jelly tart pastry. Biscuit bonbon tiramisu cupcake. Gummies chocolate bar brownie oat cake. Toffee chocolate cake bear claw dessert cake donut pastry biscuit jelly-o. Gummies sweet bear claw.